Essential and Appreciated!

Thank you to all of our employees for your commitment and perseverance as we work together through this challenging time. Your caring nature toward our customers, communities and each other is tremendous. Chesapeake Utilities is an essential business. As such, our field service and construction projects proceed safely, without interruption and our administrative staff maintains our office locations in support of our leadership, operations teams and the majority of our personnel who are working remotely. Throughout the Company, we are grateful for our frontline workers. It is your expertise, teamwork and strength that are making a difference!
Abrams, Jon K.
Adams Sr., Joseph D.
Adkins, Ryan
Allegretti, Crystal L.
Allen, Christopher L.
Altvater, Clara F.
Amos Jr., David L.
Amos, Stephen A.
Annand, Joshua R.
Arnold, Harold R.
Aarons, Keon
Ashton, Johnathan
Atkins, Mary L.
Atkins-Dellafield, Ashley S.
Awomokorie, Nnajiaye R.
Baker Sr., Michael
Baker, Keith E.
Baker, Kenneth L.
Baker, Timothy J.
Banks, Michael B.
Bates, Michael M.
Bather, Thomas M.
Bather, William D.
Batze, Martin
Batze, Martin W.
Beidler, Timothy E.
Bell, Matthew R.
Beun, Christopher H.
Beverly, Justin A.
Bevis, Andrew S.
Biddle, John D.
Bjorklund, Blake D.
Bland, Fred L.
Bland, Joshua A.
Blankenship, Michael L.
Bloch, Bryan M.
Boatright, Curtis J.
Bohlman, Crystal L.
Bolling Jr., John D.
Bollinger, Eric S.
Bolyard, Renee Y.
Bono, Peter
Boone, Alfred
Bowden, Marybeth
Bowles, Hunter K.
Brabson, Richard D.
Bradshaw, James D.
Brennan, Steven
Brisker, Nathan P.
Brittingham, Malcom
Brown, Charles
Brown, Jevon L.
Brown, Terrance E.
Brown, Timothy E.
Brown, Todd T.
Brunk, Russell D.
Bryan, Wayne S.
Bryant, Gary G.
Buckalew II, Charles R.
Burgess II, Edward F.
Burke III, John F.
Burrowes, Shelly A.
Calhoun, Rodney D.
Cameron, Marielle A.
Campbell, Noah C.
Canfield Jr., Thomas W.
Canino, Christopher C.
Caouette, Patricia G.
Caplinger, Belinda S.
Caquias Jr., Julio C.
Carlton, Ronald E.
Carrick, Richard M.
Carroll, Danita S.
Carswell, Crosby L.
Carter, Michael W.
Case, Sean R.
Castro, Pablo E.
Causey, Kimberly S.
Cespedes, Virginia
Chambers, Justin P.
Champion, James R.
Chance, Cody
Chance, Eddie C.
Chapman, Christopher C.
Charles, Nixon
Chelton, Howard E.
Chi, Amanda M.
Christine, Steven A.
Chullin, Jon D.
Cichowski, Virginia H.
Clardy Jr., William C.
Cleveland Jr., Richard E.
Clevens, Michael P.
Clifford, Rita J.
Clinton, Laura
Cluley, Michael B.
Cohee III, Howard N.
Cohey, Roger L.
Collins, Brad L.
Collins, Cody V.
Collins, Ryan J.
Como, Jamie R.
Coney Sr., Darren W.
Connors, Patricia L.
Constantine, Robert B.
Constantino, Mateo
Cooper, Susan M.
Cordrey, Zachary M.
Coughlin, Janet B.
Council Jr., Clarence F.
Craig, George L.
Craig, Katelyn M.
Cramer, John W.
Crawford, John P.
Creswell Jr., Larry E.
Cribbs, Sabrina R.
Crowe, Eugene N.
Cruz, Cindy L.
Cumbie, Amber N.
Currie, Matthew C.
Dagg, David G.
Dalious, Colleen
Davies, Ellen M.
Davis, Brent M.
Davis, Carl E.
Davis, Sherrie
Dean, Matthew T.
DeCosta, Dawn E.
Delaney, Daniel D.
Denham, Joshua A.
DeYounks, Joseph
Dickinson, Brooke N.
Donoway Jr., Philip
Dorsey, Marvin J.
Dunn, Colin
Durbin, Jacob T.
Eisenhauer, Jonathan D.
Elgesem, Robert H.
Elliott, James R.
Ennis, Ishmael
Ennis, Sherry W.
Esparza, Raymond J.
Evans, Virginia
Everngam, Matthew M.
Ferguson Jr., James L.
Figueroa, Jose A.
Finch, Garry D.
Finigan, Christina
Firestone, Morgann N.
Fitchett, Jason W.
Flores, Jose
Flowers, Bradley J.
Flowers, David A.
Flowers, James V.
Foran, Alvin J.
Forde, Karl K.
Foster, Sherry L.
Freeman, George L.
Freeze, Roger L.
Frenes, Raul
Frost, Queronda
Frye, Debby
Fullenkamp, Aaron D.
Gajadhar, Farisha
Gandee, Michael L.
Garfola, Jason T.
Garris, Sheila R.
Gaston, Andrea M.
Gebhardt, Corey P.
Gibbs, Ivan M.
Gibson Jr., Ballard
Gilligan, Elizabeth A.
Gilmore, Quade E.
Gomez, Jacqueline
Gonzalez, Kimberly
Good, Alan W.
Goodman Sr., Jason
Gordon, Deltric V.
Grady, Charlotte R.
Graham, Jason
Granger, Miranda B.
Gray, Jordan
Gray, Rhondon
Griffin, John B.
Grooms, Darryl D.
Grosch, Chad K.
Gsvind Jr., Charles R.
Guyette, Joseph R.
Haase, Bruce A.
Hagan, Randall K.
Hagans, Eric L.
Hall Jr., Howard J.
Hall, Cole
Hall, George A.
Halterman, Alexander J.
Hammond, Donald
Handges, Scott A.
Hardin, Carol S.
Harner, Brian A.
Harrell, Duane R.
Harris, Kevin B.
Harris, Lynette
Harrison, Joseph G.
Hart, David W.
Hartney, Gregory
Harvey, Benjamin C.
Hastie, Adam
Hayes, Evan P.
Hearn, Ramon
Henault, David W.
Henderson, Matthew W.
Hendricks, Roger C.
Henshaw Jr., James K.
Hensley, Connie P.
Herko, John K.
Hermogenes, Joel D.
Hernandez, Constantino R.
Hernandez, Jose C.
Hetland, Steve T.
Hickman, Jason
Higginbotham, Sarah P.
Hill Sr., Fred M.
Hill, John R.
Hilliard, James E.
Hines, Christopher T.
Hoffman, Maldon
Hoffman, Sand J.
Holland, Clarence
Hoppes, Richard
Howton, Larry R.
Hudson, Edward G.
Hull II, Chucky T.
Hynson, Gerald
Ilnisky, Michael S.
Ingley, Michael P.
Inman, Daniel P.
Jackson, David
Jackson, Sean C.
Jackson, Tevin
Jarrett III, William E.
Jestice, James S.
Jezewski, Todd A.
John, Yugita D.
Johnson, Anthony C.
Johnson, Jennifer L.
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Randy W.
Jones, Doug
Jones Sr., Jeffrey L.
Jones, Jeremiah L.
Jones, Katherine S.
Jones, Kevin L.
Jones, Ray D.
Jordan, Charles
Justice, Cody W.
Kara, John F.
Kayume, Farisha
Kelley, Robert T.
Kelly, John W.
Ketner, Jason K.
Keyser, Steven B.
Kidwell, Jeremi S.
King, Ronald A.
Kliewer, Jonathan G.
Knox, Jerry M.
Koenig, Melissa M.
Kohan Jr., George
Krebs Jr., Robert W.
Kulha, Kerry J.
Kunkel, Daryl K.
Lackey, Michael E.
LaCorte, Jessica L.
Lambert, Lisa B.
Lance, Johnny H.
Landon, Conner
Lane, Frank R.
Lannon, Lisa L.
Larmonie, Claude
Larrimore, Michael L.
Laughman, Daniel T.
Lawson, George D.
Leach, Jeffrey A.
Leager, Joshua J.
Legar, Richard L.
Legar, Robert M.
Lewis, Amelia
Lewis, Camille
Lewis, Jerry L.
Lewis, John
Limoli, Patricia K.
Linton, Martin C.
Littleton, Dale J.
Lloyd, Lynn
Lopata, Stephanie
Loucks, Brian S.
Ludlow, George H.
Ludlow, Theresa A.
Luff, Douglas K.
Lugo Jr., Anthony
Lunsford, Christopher S.
Lyburn, Amber L.
Lynch, Jeffrey G.
Lynch, Lorraine
Mackey, Trever J.
Malice, Thomas M.
Malloy, James A.
Marshall, David S.
Marvin Jr., Gerald P.
Matthews, Christopher F.
Maxwell, Donald L.
McCleary, Jesse R.
McClements, Stacey L.
McComb, John H.
McCoy, Kevin P.
McDougall, Steven P.
McGuyrt, Tyler M.
McKnight, Thomas V.
McNair, Donald
McNeil, Joshua
Messina, Vincent M.
Metts, Thomas K.
Middleton, Shaun N.
Milam Jr., Eddie B.
Miller, Kirk R.
Miller, Michael D.
Miller, Steve
Miller, Timothy C.
Mills, Richard L.
Minnich, Lisa D.
Minton, Christine
Mitchell Jr., Cedric E.
Mitchell Jr., Michael P.
Mitchell Sr., Earl W.
Mitchell, Marjorie L.
Moats, Jeremy L.
Monce, Jr., Ronald D.
Montgomery, David N.
Montgomery, Jody J.
Moody, Joseph E.
Mooney, Phil C.
Moore III, Phillip L.
Moore Jr., Don R.
Moore, Gregory A.
Moore, James M.
Moreland, Douglas C.
Morgan Sr., Donald L.
Morgan, Garfield A.
Moron, Leo J.
Morris, Laura
Moulton, Joseph M.
Muir, Florence L.
Murphy, Shawn
Murray, Geraldine F.
Nagel, Ryan
Nail, Virginia A.
Nellans, Ryan C.
Nester, Jason L.
Nethers, Brian C.
Newcomb, Jason J.
Ney, Joshua D.
Nichols, Jonathon P.
Nichols, Tafari U.
Nievas Machado, Lucas V.
Norris, Eric C.
O’Campo, Mario
O’Donnell, Joseph
Osei, Connie
Outten Jr., John
Owens III, Omar B.
Palmer, Branden
Panichella, Adam D.
Paoletti, Nicholas
Parmer, Kelley A.
Parsons, Brian C.
Parsons, James W.
Parsons, Jeremy
Peacock, Lewis S.
Peek, Ricky J.
Pendexter, Michael P.
Pendleton, Glenn E.
Pereira, Nicholas A.
Perry, Daniel
Perry, Matthew J.
Petenbrink, Robert W.
Peters, Andrew M.
Philhower, Roy
Phillips, Michelle A.
Pileggi, Tina M.
Plante, Michael J.
Pluta, David F.
Polk III, John L.
Pomeroy, Keith
Ponder, Michael W.
Poole, Brad L.
Poole, John A.
Popovich, Michael
Portales, Adiel
Portilla, Matthew A.
Pruitt, Jasmine R.
Purnell, Keven T.
Ragoonath, Darrel
Ramey, Sean M.
Rawls, Tina M.
Rees, Edward E.
Register, Janet M.
Reinert, Dwayne S.
Reinhardt, Edgar M.
Reitz, Jeffrey D.
Remy, Jonathan
Reyna, Ramon A.
Rice, William D.
Richardson, Rhonda R.
Riley Jr., Robert R.
Rivera Vargas, Eliazer
Rogers Jr., Perry W.
Roland, Percy D.
Rolle, James E.
Ross Jr., Richard D.
Rossetto, Walter
Roth, Lynn C.
Rowe, Joshua
Rowe, Patricia L.
Roye, Janine
Ruderman, Joel E.
Russell II, David A.
Russell, Winston A.
Ryan, Matthew
Sailor, Taina
Sample, Donnell L.
Santiago, Zurehida M.
Savage, Herman L.
Schieferstein, David K.
Schmidlin, Paul
Schrey, Daniel
Schroff, Timothy S.
Schwaninger, Walter I.
See, Jr., Robert W.
Sell, Lisa A.
Semirosum, Daniel L.
Senft, Steven M.
Sergovic, Andrew W.
Shadd, James D.
Shaffer, Matthew
Sharpe, Jennifer E.
Shatzer, Robert A.
Shertzer, Richard W.
Shockley, Kevin L.
Shreckengost, David
Simmons, Christopher B.
Simpson, Kelly M.
Simpson, Thomas M.
Sisolak, Jeffrey
Sluka, Francis J.
Sluss, Aaron
Smith, Harry S.
Smith, Robert R.
Smith, Trisha M.
Smith, Tyler L.
Snell, James D.
Solomon, Leona P.
Speerin, George C.
Spencer, Kenneth R.
Spigelmire, Steven J.
Springer, Warren F.
Stafford, Ronald G.
Stanley, Thomas J.
Stevenson, Christopher C.
Stewart Sr., Vince C.
Stewart, James M.
Stimpfling, Joseph L.
Stuart, Jenna
Stubbs Jr., Ronald E.
Sturgill, Jeffrey L.
Sturtevant, Marc C.
Swan, Jonathan L.
Sweeney, Christopher D.
Swinehart, John M.
Sword, Steve M.
Tamayo, Rocco
Taylor, Judy
Terraciano, Brian G.
Tew, Donnie L.
Tharp, Gregory
Thibault, Ryan
Thielemann, John L.
Thomas, Angela
Thomas, Sheila M.
Thomas, Veronica
Tietjen, Christopher T.
Tindall, Dana L.
Townsend, Susan E.
Tracey, Stephen L.
Tripp, Randy K.
Tucker, Michael
Tull, Stephen E.
Tuttle, David L.
Tyus, Kendall L.
Ussery, Jr., James A.
Vanmaaren, Nicole L.
Vaughn, Fred K.
Velasquez, Alayda
Vickers, Kevin G.
Voyles, Frankie P.
Wallace, Robert C.
Walsh, Hunter R.
Waples, Crystal C.
Ward, Brittany
Warfield, Brent W.
Washington, Ernest W.
Weaver-Martin, Victoria L.
Webb Jr., John C.
Webster, Daniel E.
Webster, Steve H.
Wehr, Daniel E.
Weitz, Andrew I.
Welch, Teresa L.
Wells, Kevin M.
Werner, Vanora D.
West, Robert E.
Wheaton Jr., Theodore S.
Whitaker, James B.
White, Michael A.
White, Rena F.
Whiteside, Ward
Whitlock, Tony E.
Whitmore, Kevin R.
Wicks, David
Widgeon, Jason
Wieder, Joshua J.
Wilborn, Marquis D.
Wildermuth, Frank C.
Williams III, Horace A.
Williams Jr., Malcolm C.
Williams, Andre
Williams, Donald
Williams, Teirra
Willinghan, Jeffrey
Wilson, Glen
Wilson, Mark E.
Wilson, Samuel K.
Wilson, Travis K.
Wimberly, Tamara T.
Wisniewski, Charles
Witt, Matthew R.
Woody, Jason A.
Wothers, April N.
Wright, Geoffrey A.
Wunsch, Richard P.
Yost, Brian F.
Young, Keith D.
Young, Kyle C.
Yu, Novem
Zaldivar, Magbis Y.
Zambrano Jr., Ramiro
Zambrano, Leslie
Zimmer, Philip K.